Just a few weeks ago here on the JLM blog, we discussed the skills and personality traits you might need to break into a career in electrics. We recently realised, however, that we didn’t lay out the reasons why you might want to become an electrician in the first place.An interest in electrics, in the first instance, might be your first route into the industry. But there are a host of other reasons you may like to consider the role; here are just a few:
Salary – Whether you work for a company like JLM Electrical or you decide to go it alone, there’s a good rate of pay up for grabs for qualified electricians. The role requires a high level of training, but with it also comes the reward of a good salary and equally good perks.
Demand for Qualified Electricians – Like nurses and teachers, qualified electricians are in high demand here in the UK. Train to be an electrician and you should have no problem finding a role in your desired company. Failing that, setting out on your own is a good way to; it can bring with it a good salary and the chance to choose your own hours of work. You should have no difficulty finding customers, too; every home suffers its electrical faults fromtime to time and few people have the skill or expertise to carry out the work on their own
Varied Work – Take an office job and it’s likely you’ll be completing the same work day in, day out. But become an electrician and you’ll find there’s no strict daily routine. This, of course, means you’re unlikely to get bored or stuck in a rut. While the role can be hazardous, there’s plenty to keep you busy and you’ll always feel challenged by your work. A great role for highly-trained professionals, electrical work is more a long-term career than a job; it’s rarely 9-to-5 and you’ll be learning and discovering new things as you go.
Job Security – We’re going back to that aforementioned point, again: security. But it really is important when taking on a new career. When you consider that you might be working for 30 or more years, it’s worth settling on an industry that’s likely to offer a good level of stability. After all, uncertainty in your job is a sure-fire way to make yourself miserable at work. If you’re thinking about re-training, becoming an electrical contractor may well be for you; you can also work your own hours, especially if you have your own business.Still not convinced becoming an electrician is for you? Give us a call here at JLM Electrical and we’d be happy to tell you just why we love our roles. Don’t forget to take a look around our blog for more handy hints for getting a leg-up to a new career, too.