Here at JLM Electrical, we know that day-to-day maintenance of your home often means time and money. But here on the blog, we aim to bring you ways you can reclaim some of that money too.We’re aware that when something needs attention in your home, there’s a tendency to panic. But often, that work can be cheap – and cost-effective for you in the long-run too. Plus, there are plenty of ways you can save on electricity costs in general, to make those one-off electrical bills seem even more cost-effective over time.Today on the blog, we’re sharing with you our top three tips to help you save electricity in your home. Read on…
- Consider Turning Appliances Off Standby
Too many people think that appliances on standby may as well be appliances that are switched off. In terms of electricity consumption, this just isn’t the case. The very best thing to do is to turn off your TV, DVD and CD player at the wall. Amazingly, by doing this you can save yourself up to £28 a year.
- Turn Your Electric Water Heater Down a Notch or Two
Does your property use an electric water heater, or an electric shower? If so, you should be aware that these should be used wisely. Simply by turning your water temperature down by just a few degrees you can save yourself a significant amount on bills – and think of the feeling when that significantly-reduced drops on your doormat. After all, who doesn’t like making a saving? An eco-friendly temperature to set your water heater to would be around 40c – do this now and you may well be surprised how much money you’ll save.
- How Does Your Energy Rating Look?
Take a look at your electrical home appliances and you’ll find they’re each labelled with an energy efficiently rating. These act as a guide to the homeowner to give you an indication of the cost you’ll incur to use and run them; standard ratings run from the least efficient (G rating) to an extremely efficient A rating.

When choosing appliances for your home, bear the energy rating in mind as a lower rating could be your answer to saving some serious money in the long run. And don’t forget to switch all your appliances off at the plug after each and every use to help you claw back additional money – every penny counts!So, there you have it; a few easy and quick ways you can save yourself money on your home electrical bills. Need some more advice?
Give us a call and we’ll let you know if your house is working as efficiently as it could be.Should you require any major (or minor) electrical work doing, simply call our team of qualified electricians here at JLM Electrical. They will ensure your house is safe by completing any of the work it requires in the most cost-effective way possible.
Call us today for an initial chat and we’ll see what we can do.