Recently Completed Project: Polyseam


JLM Energy have designed and installed of a range of mechanical and electrical works in a new Huddersfield factory development for independent manufacturer, Polyseam. As detailed in the graphic below, Polyseam are a hugely recognised factory within the industry:

Key facts

Of the Mechanical and Electrical works carried out by JLM, the Polyseam Project Manager, Waleed Gaffer said: “On a final note, it’s been great working with JLM… you guys have definitely gone above and beyond to get Polyseam to where the business needed to be… best of luck on future works.”

Mechanical works included:

• Supply and install a new water supply, meter and pipework• Supply to the building plant room in accordance with Yorkshire Water guidelines• New gas housing, gas meter and pipework supply to the building plant room• Design, supply and installa on of mechanical installa ons to offices and warehouse • LTHW hea ng system• Gas radiant hea ng to workshop and warehouse• Mechanical ven la on to WCs• Kitchen domes c including hot and cold water services• Above ground drainage• Gas and water mains services• Supply and installa on of sanitary ware• HVAC within the office areas

 Electrical works included:• Supply and installa on of electrical supply to offices and warehouse

• Earthing, wiring and bonding

• Installa on of distribu on board

• Final circuit containment systems

• Ligh ng systems including emergency and external lighting

• Electrical supplies to workshop including small power

• Data containment system

• Electrical supplies to mechanical services and access control system

• Intruder security alarm system

• Fire alarm system

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