How to Ensure Your Office Fridge is More Efficient

Office Fridge

During the demanding day-to-day running of a business, it can be all too easy to forget the seemingly smaller details. Managing your staff, alongside cash flow and invoicing, no doubt make up some of your top priorities, but there’s a wealth of other things well worth considering.After all, if there’s money to be saved in your business it’s worth knowing how and why. Take something as small as a fridge; while it might be relatively overlooked in terms of the cost to your business, it’s surprising how it can really drive up the price of your utilities bills.

With that in mind, here at JLM Electrical we’re bringing you a number of failsafe ways you can ensure greater functionality for your fridge. This will help cut your office costs and ensure there are no – potentially dangerous – faults to attend to. Here are just a few measures you can take:

Regulate the Temperature of Your Fridge – While you may not know it, keeping your refrigerator’s temperature too low can, in fact, vastly increase consumption when it comes to electricity. Instead, set your fridge to an average temperature, rather than being tempted to lower it as much as possible. Be aware that each time you open your fridge; you’re affecting and changing the temperature inside it.

So, keep costs low and save energy in the process by only opening your fridge as and when necessary.

Consider Location – The location of your office fridge is as important as maintaining a fair temperature. Always keep it in an area that’s generally cool; it’s not a good idea to place it close to appliances like microwaves, or other kitchen appliances that tend to be hot. For the sake of yourself, your staff and anyone visiting the office, reduce the risk by ensuring your fridge is in the right spot.

Inspect Your Fridge’s Seals and Coils – How do the seals on your fridge look? Do they work? A faulty seal or two will ensure air escapes, causing the temperature of your fridge to rise, which in turn will see your bills soar, too. Located to the rear of your office fridge, too, you’ll see some coils. If left unmaintained, dust and grime will gather, which could prove dangerous and costly. Always inspect these and consult a professional if you notice any issues.Is there a problem with your fridge? If you suspect your refrigerator has a fault, you may need to call one of the electricians here at JLM out.

Give us a call to discuss the issue and we’d be happy to help.Don’t forget: here at JLM we can assist with everything from minor electrical faults, to major projects like home and office rewiring. We can also charge electric cars, install office alarms and CCTV, and visit your office or warehouse to carry out necessary safety checks. Want some more information? Simply get in touch with us today.

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