Effectively maintaining a house can be time-consuming and costly. Usually, just when you think your finances are in order, something comes along to burst your bubble – be it a blocked drain or a spot of damp. You may even find that your house needs re-wiring, which can come out of the blue and prove a substantial blow to your bank account. Prevention is the key, though – and there’s a few ways you can keep an eye on things in order to spot the early signs that you might soon require the help of an electrician. What we will say here at JLM Electrical, though, is don’t try to attempt an at-home DIY job. Trying to rectify any electrical problems yourself could well spell disaster. Instead, here’s how you’ll know if you need to call out a professional electrician:
- You’re Frequently Left in the Dark
Do the electrical circuit breakers trip often, or maybe your fuses are blowing more often than they should? If so, maybe it’s time to call a member of our dedicated team here at JLM Electrical.In this instance, it’s likely that your circuits are drawing more electrical current than they should be; don’t delay, call us as this could indicate a dangerous fault in the circuits in your home. Keep a close eye on any lights that constantly flicker, too – this could also be an indication you need to consult an expert.
- You Live in a Traditional Home with ‘Original Features’
Recently bought a traditional home? As much as you love it, it may well come with a few issues that need some attention. Be aware that, whether your home is 20 or 220 years old, it may not have been modernised so recently, meaning your electrics could well be suffering from decay.Old-fashioned wiring and plug sockets can be unsafe by today’s standards and therefore will need updating. Our electricians will help you determine if your plug sockets or wiring need looking at, so do get in touch with any queries you may have.
- You’ve Got Rust
Have you discovered rust or moisture beneath your home’s primary service panel? This could well be a cause for concern, so do seek some advice before things escalate. If you’ve found rusty patches or rust-coloured residue, it really isn’t a time to mess around. Rust like this may indicate further problems, so do get onto it as soon as possible.Of course, there may be more issues which prove a cause for concern – if you’re worried about anything at all concerning your electrics, do not hesitate to get in touch. Simply pick up the phone and give us a ring here at JLM Electrical. Our electricians will put your mind at rest and talk you through your options and offer you the most cost-effective solution possible.Don’t forget to keep an eye on our blog here on the JLM site for more hints, tips and tricks.